
Thursday, February 10, 2005

The 21st Century Economic Report, a periodical based in China, carried a very interest report on the National Audit Agency (NAO) abandoning its planned audit on the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). The stock market has not done well lately, and some in the government fear that more financial scandals would further depress the market. That might be true, but I think the decision to abandon the audit is also indicative of the increasing tension between Wen and Huang Ju, who is the vice-premier in charge of finance.

The series of financial scandals that came out recently probably did not make Huang look good, even though these scandals are a product of lax regulation in the previous administration, when Wen was the vice-premier in charge of finance. Since last April, the stock index has been on a free fall, some of which can be attributed to the bad choice of Shang Fulin as the head of the CSRC. Wen is probably trying to kill two birds with one stone with the recent series of audits on financial institutions. On the one hand, it can improve his image as an honest premier dedicated to get rid of corruption in Chinese financial institutions. On the other hand, it would make Huang Ju, a Jiang crony, look incompetent or even corrupt.

Huang Ju, unfortunately, seems to be falling into Wen's trap in this instance. Instead of jumping on the auditing band-wagon and encouraging audits on the CSRC, he seemed to have exerted his influence to stop the audit, and now the abandoned audit is all over the news. Why? Perhaps there is in fact so much dirt in the CSRC that he figured not having an audit was better than having an audit. Also, the mysterious appointment of Shang Fulin to the CSRC suggests that he had a strong backer, who is probably Huang Ju. In this case, Huang would be reluctant to sacrifice Shang Fulin in the course of the audit, since Shang is one of the few technocrats Huang can count on.

审计署放弃审计证监会? 21世纪经济报道  2005-02-05 14:42:36
  特约记者 李红兵  北京报道  
“在王小石的问题曝光后,高层就已经责令证监会内部自查,现在,这些自查报告已经直接送到国务院了。”  2月2日,本报记者从国家审计署金融审计司获悉,原定2005年审计中国证监会的计划,已经正式取消。  同日,记者也从中国证监会机构监管部得到证实:审计署前期进驻证监会的审前调查人员也已经全部撤出。  


“按照署里原先的计划安排,2005年将是一个不折不扣的金融审计年。”审计署金融审计司一位官员对记者说。  按照相关审计法规的授权,金融审计司的主要职责是:负责审计中国人民银行、国家外汇管理局(含分支机构)及其在京下属单位、中国证监会及其所属证券交易所的财务收支;负责审计国家政策性银行、国有商业银行、国有保险公司、中国国际信托投资公司、中国光大(集团)总公司及其分支机构和其他中央国有金融机构的资产、负债和损益状况等。  2004年,全国18个地方特派办在审计署金融审计司的统一牵头下,已经对华融、信达、长城和东方4家资产管理公司及其分支机构进行了审计,共发现案件线索38件,涉案金额67亿元。同时,各地方审计机关还在金融审计司的统一协调下,对全国871家城市商业银行和农村信用社以及证券公司进行了审计。  对这些金融机构审计揭露出的问题令人触目惊心。因此,审计署下决心要在2005年把对金融机构的审计对象提高级别,从更高层次、更高级别上揭露金融机构在内部运行和管理方面存在的问题。  

“也正是在这样的设想下,审计署最终决定,2005年将首次把中国证监会、银监会、保监会(以下简称‘三会’)三家正部级金融机构确定为审计对象。”审计署科研所的一位人士对记者说。  该人士同时表示,按审计署的工作程序,一般是先由各司局根据上年度和已经审计出的问题自主确定下一年度的审计对象,之后再上报审计署,由审计长办公会议集体讨论决定形成最后决定,再由审计署办公厅通知具体司局执行审计。  根据这一程序,审计署内部早在去年11月左右就确定要在今年审计上述金融“三会”。审计署的相关官员也证实了将进驻证监会的消息。
  然而,对证监会的“审计风暴”却迟迟没有降临。  直到2005年1月初,由李金华审计长亲自主持召开的全国审计工作会议在厦门召开时,才突然传递出了2005年金融审计“风向”有变的信号。  在这次会议上,李金华在报告中部署了2005年的金融审计工作任务:“今年,审计署除对银监会、保监会的财务收支进行审计外,还将组织对农业银行的资产负债损益审计,地方审计机关也要积极推进对地方金融机构的审计。”  
人们注意到,这是审计署最高官员首次在正式场合发出的放弃审计证监会的信号。  “审计决定在经过审计长办公会议集体决定后一般很少更改或取消,尤其是在审前调查组已经派出、审计工作事实上已经展开的情况下,取消审计计划的情况更是前所未有。”上述审计署科研所的一位人士说。  而这一切,正如风暴的独有属性那样,来去突然。  
证监会自查报告已上报  而很明显,自始至终,处于风暴口的,除了审计署,还有证监会。  2005年2月1日,《国务院关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见》即“国九条”出台1周年前夕,沪综指和深成指已经分别跌落至1189点和3045点附近,这是自1999年以来的最低点。  也正是在这一时刻,转机似乎来临。  2月2日,“国九条”出台1周年,股市随即上演了绝地反击:这一天,沪深股市大幅暴涨,沪综指由1189.50点涨至1252.50点,上涨63.57点,涨幅之大,两年来从未有过。  “在这个时候审计证监会,如果审计出几个大案,谁能承受得起?股市将怎么办?”2月2日,包括张卫星、皮海洲、侯宁等在内的市场人士均向记者表达了类似的看法。  审计署科研所的一位人士介绍,自证监会成立以来,还从未接受过审计署的审计。而证监会信息中心的一位官员透露,“在王小石的问题曝光后,高层就已经责令证监会内部自查,现在,这些自查报告已经直接送到国务院了。”  “毫无疑问,如果真正审计起来,这次审计将是对审计署的一个挑战。”2月2日,审计署科研所的一位人士对记者直言不讳地表示。  审计署权限难匹配  实际上,从证监会的收入构成来看,对证监会的审计,审计署明显缺乏权限。  根据著名的市场投资人士皮海洲的分析,证监会的收入来源主要有三大块:一是印花税,这部分钱在上缴国库后再以国家财政拨款的形式拨给证监会;二是审核费,在递交上市申请的时候由申请上市的公司缴纳,这部分费用明面上是明码标价,但现在的问题是相当多的企业为了顺利过关,暗地里会有一些情况;三是罚款收入,现在一般的罚款标准大约在5万—50万之间不等,这部分收入按理应上缴国库,但问题是罚款标准的主观性太大,缺乏客观量化的标准。  上海证券交易所研究中心总监助理施动晖还对记者透露,证监会每年还能获得一笔收入可观的监管费,这笔费用从A股、B股、封闭式基金以及债券交易市场上的买卖双方同时收取,由上交所、深交所代收后上交给证监会。其中,A股市场的监管费按成交金额的0.004%收取,债券的监管费按成交金额的0.001%收取。  据施动晖推算,以2004年上交所A股市场2.6万亿的成交金额计算,仅上交所代收的这笔每年的监管费收入,已十分庞大。  但是,根据审计署的职责和权限,只负责审计国家预算和财政拨款这部分资金的使用情况。

Apparently the Chinese Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) are engaged in another fight, which is over whether the tax for foreign firms in China should be raised or not. http://www.eobserver.com.cn/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=12285
The fight between MOF and MOC is easy to understand from their respecitve ministry interest. What's interesting is that many local governments don't want to see the tax raised, for fear of losing FDI inflow. But if they can share the increased fiscal revenue with the center, what do they complain about? This raises the question: what exactly is the formula by which the higher authorities evaluate the performance of local officials? People like Bo Zhiyue have argued that local officials' career promotion is directly related to their economic performance. This may be true, but is certainly too crude. That local officals don't want FDI taxes being raised suggest that there are more concrete criteria (e.g., FDI inflow) with which local performance is judged. Any thoughts?
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