
Thursday, February 02, 2006

It turns out that half a billion deal was related to the Kaiping case from 1998, which is old news. I am sure the money by now has been written off by BOC using central subsidies from the foreign exchange reserve. Though bad for publicity, this should not be a big deal for the IPO. What these guys did sounds interesting though, someone should make a movie of it.

2006-02-02 00:47:05
  余振东、许超凡和许国俊早年前获得伪造的香港护照。此后,他们以假香港护照申请美国签证,二○○一年五月,三人在香港与美国公民假结婚。许超凡和许国俊二 ○○一年潜逃至北美并在偏远地方隐姓埋名。二○○四年九月下旬,许国俊在美国堪萨斯州一个小镇上被捕。十月初,首嫌许超凡在俄克拉荷马州的一个小镇被捕。

CCP would not make a movie for it, if it does want to, I guess every bit in the long history of BOC would be a appropriate source/medium from which its movies stem. Bankers and politic leaders are generally rich but not chinese people. Though it might be attractive to Hollywood movie makers. And it could a competent nominee for the Academy Award. Ppl then could understand chinese are not just good at making Gay and Kongfu moives.
Interesting to note that the Standard reports the BoC IPO has been put back.
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