So, at the CPPCC session in Beijing, Vice Governor of PBOC Wu Xiaolin, who is also a CPPCC delegate, admited that Huijin will become a part of the new forex investment fund. This is the first such public admission. Note, however, she would only concede that the new fund will own some share of Huijin, which means it may not be the majority share. I still think the PBOC will fight hard on this for either a fairly large representation on the board of the new investment fund, or to retain some independent control over Huijin, or, ideally, both. One tactic seems to be constraining the size of the new investment fund such that it won't be capitalized enough to own a large share of Huijin.
吴晓灵首次确认成立外汇投资公司 2007年03月06日 00:14
中国人民银行副行长吴晓灵。(图片来源:北京商报) 一直以来,过万亿的外汇储备如何实现保值增值已经成为决策层一块“心病”,而这一问题的解决方案终于在日前浮出水面。中国人民银行副行长吴晓灵3月3日在列席全国政协十届五次会议开幕式时表示,目前外汇投资管理公司正处于研究和筹备过程当中,具体成立时间要看筹备进度才能确定。这是央行官员首次就国家设立外汇投资管理公司问题进行表态。
吴晓灵透露,未来成立的外汇投资管理公司将跟中央汇金公司有关系,也可以说汇金公司将会是这个公司的一个组成部分。但她同时表示,汇金公司的角 色不会完全改变。业内人士分析,这或许意味该公司不会采取新设的方式,而是将在汇金公司的基础上进行改造。而国家的外汇投向最终由筹备组进行研究和决定, 但目前汇金公司在金融股领域的投资以及我国目前在一些战略方面的投资,未来将成为这家公司外汇投向的组成部分。
# posted by Xiao Shih : 10:01 PM