
Thursday, May 10, 2007

It turns out that the story on Huang Ju's demise may be erroneous. The official press has not reported on it, which is unusual if he really did pass away. In addition, it carried the following piece on Minister of Supervision Li Zhilun's passing. Note, the second paragraph states that Huang Ju expressed his condolences. My speculation is that perhaps Huang and Li stayed in the same hospital, and rumors got out that someone important passed away. People then just assumed that it was Huang Ju, but in fact it was Li, who is on the standing committee of the central discipline and inspection committee, the party's anti-corruption watchdog. Huang is also a standing committee member (changwei), but of the much more powerful Politburo.

新华社北京5月9日电 中共中央纪律检查委员会副书记、监察部部长李至伦同志,于4月28日在北京病逝,享年65岁。李至伦同志的遗体9日在八宝山革命公墓火化。

   李至伦病重期间和逝世后,胡锦涛、江泽民、吴邦国、温家宝、贾庆林、曾庆红、黄菊、吴官正、李长春、罗干、王乐泉、王兆国、回良玉、刘淇、刘云山、吴 仪、张立昌、张德江、周永康、俞正声、贺国强、郭伯雄、曹刚川、曾培炎、王刚、李鹏、万里、乔石、朱镕基、李瑞环、宋平、刘华清、尉健行、李岚清、徐才 厚、何勇、成思危、热地、唐家璇、华建敏、陈至立、贾春旺、王忠禹、刘延东和韩光等分别以不同方式表示慰问和哀悼。

  李至伦是辽宁锦州 人,1964年1月加入中国共产党,1967年9月后历任广东省保亭县(现海南省保亭县)县委办公室副主任、县委常委兼宣传部部长、县委副书记,共青团中 央团校组教处处长、副教育长、校党组书记、副校长兼共青团中央青运史研究室主任,中国青年报社社长、党组书记,监察部办公厅主任、副部长,中央纪委常委、 监察部副部长,中央纪委副书记、监察部副部长、部长等职。


Why does it took ten days before Xinhua gave Li Zhilun's death a formal notice?
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