Tuesday, July 31, 2007

An interesting news item, all of the standing committee members from the previous party congress made a press appearance recently, visiting an exhibit at the Military Museum. Well, at first glance, it seems like the old guards are endorsing the new leadership. However, why did they decide to visit the military museum (as oppose to some kind of exhibition on technology, for example) AND accompanied by current members of the Central Military Commission. Doesn't it also suggest that current members of the military have to pay homage to retired members of the Standing Committee? Although the full gang was there, the article clearly focused its attention on "Comrade Jiang Zemin." I think the appearance is Jiang's attempt to exert some influence in the run-up to the 17th Party Congress. He was accompanied by the other members probably as a result of some political compromise to make the event less like Jiang's triumphant return to politics. Notice, besides Jiang, none of them looked too happy to be there. Zhu Rongji looked positively distressed! On the positive side, all of them looked fairly healthy.
2007年08月01日02:48 来源:新华社
7月31日晚,江泽民同志在北京参观新中国成立以来国防和军队建设成就展。李鹏、朱镕基、李瑞环、尉健行、李岚清等一同参观。 新华社记者姚大伟摄
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