
Saturday, December 01, 2007

Another side item, but my wife found a recording of our all-time favorite Chinese band Wood Pushing Melon (木推瓜) on youtube. Technology is amazing. What's more I also found an account of its show. We used to catch them at this divy place at Wudaokou. It truly is the greatest Chinese band ever. It's too bad that the band dissolved after the arrest and after the lead-singer decided to go to Tibet in 2002. The last time I saw them, the police showed up and arrested them after they cursed the CCP and President Jiang. For listeners, the song "Do Suo Do" begins in a funky way, but keep listening; it makes an amazing transition. Anyway, the link to the song is above, and the article in both Chinese and google translate English below.

http://ent.sina.com.cn 2004年06月26日23:07 网友来稿










  何国峰在大便完后,开始在那块白布上搅拌自己的排泄物,他显示了对自己的排泄物的支配力,他似乎是在作画。然后他抬头对着观众说这幅作品现在拍卖,有人喊:“我出五毛!”,“我出两毛!”,“我出一毛!”,“我出五分!”,“我出一分!” ……






Google Translate:

雷子: "wood pushed melon" to the point memories
Http://ent.sina.com.cn at 23:07 on June 26, 2004 Netizen contributions

....Then I heard my friend said Yin Li-chuan is the Beijing underground rock group "wood pushed melon" frontman SONG Yu Zhe's girlfriend, of course, I can not determine what is true friends. Only "wood pushed melon" I was more familiar with, they are my favorite band several Beijing in a underground.

I have read several times their performance impressive is 2001 a night in Beijing Language and Culture University near the "Kiddie's" looking at that. At that time, "Kiddie's" every weekend night some underground band performances.

In 2002 the summer I go there, there was not that the performances. "Wood pushed melon," said the dissolution of the last year, SONG Yu Zhe, unaccompanied went to Tibet.

That is not the "wood pushed melon" special, a sense that they are not the most is the color of night band. Another night of the band "beautiful, pharmacy," some of which is a "horrified" acts performing arts: lead singer HE-wearing only underwear appeared on the triangular stage, he first will be a像章the pin刺进his arm on the flesh way.

While像章other good, HE Guo-feng took off his shorts and public urination. His urine has quite long time, estimates for the performance hold for a long time. Then a guy holding a 640 ML-equipment Yanjing beer bottles, then lead singer squatted where the urine, and then began to drink,边喝边loudly chanting: "good bottle of wine! Good bottle of wine!."

After nude This is the HE-jumped an arena will be ready for a piece of white cloth shop on the ground, then squatted That began publicly white stool. At that time, we must recognize some of the flavor of diffuse people sick, and some ladies were also made花容fade, do not know that time is also Yin Lichuan ladies from the group between.

HE peak in the stool after the end of the beginning That cloth, stirring in their droppings, he demonstrated their excretion power, it seems that he is in the paint. He then rise into the audience said the auction site works now, some people shouted: "I am a 50 fen!", "Me from the two hair!", "I developed a hair!", "Me from the fifth!", "I a one! "...

My night "Kiddie's" full of sympathy for the security, because the final of this artistic work is being disposed of them.

Actually night, "Wood pushed melon," the band's frontman SONG Yu Zhe also engaging in some act of performing arts, but with just said that compared to the smell and visual may not have such a big impact.

SONG Yu Zhe night that the songs that made them the first few "Tito" were familiar masterpiece. He again ferocious着脸singing the first "哆嗦pyridoxine", in which once again with his piercing voice will be distorted children's songs "Wahaha" sing撕心裂肺, Garden in his voice again in a the slaughterhouse, and the flower gardens are blooming again fleer the wind ...

They also perform a night that the first "The Birth of Tragedy", the name and Nietzsche's no doubt that the works of the same name. When this song on the half performances, an estimated 200多斤long hair Agency spokesman appeared on the stage, beginning with a belt strap is Taking personal charge sang the SONG Yu Zhe, it should be said that beating a special relentless, and the two pumping 30, as whip. When SONG Yu Zhe turned around, we can see that after he traces back crisscross whip, his back had been bruised and lacerated blood throughout the hill, and SONG Yu Zhe this concert has become a mournful and shrill cries.

I do not know that time is not SONG Yu Yin Lichuan Zhe's girlfriend. If so, the estimated she performed in the night, after the expiry SONG Yu Zhe the back painted red syrup now ... of course they said already劳燕分飞. (雷子)

You have excellent taste in obscure Chinese rock. It's a pity we haven't talked about this before. Your band has some interesting descendants and contemporaries who are still doing good work.

- Zi Yue
- Recovering the Rights of Statues
- Secondhand Roses
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