Monday, December 31, 2007

Well, the CIC decided to end the year with an announcement of a 20 billion USD injection into the China Development Bank via Huijin. This has been in the works for months, although it is 10 billion shy of what the CDB had asked for. Well, the world is not perfect, but this will significantly bolster CDB's capital adequacy and allow it to continue to make loans. The CDB does not have a NPL problem, but it has been expanding lending like crazy, thus needs to boost its capital adequacy via an injection. BTW, loyal readers, PLEASE BUY MY BOOK! It's now totally out and available. You will learn quite a bit about Chinese banking and elite politics, I promise.
中央汇金公司向国家开发银行注资200亿美元 2007年12月31日 14:00 中国新闻网
中新网北京12月31日电(记者 魏晞) 国家开发银行在二00七年岁末最后一天获中央汇金公司注资。十二月三十一日,经国务院批准,中央汇金公司和国家开发银行在北京签署协议,确认即日起中央汇金公司向国家开发银行注资两百亿美元。
Labels: huijin foreign exchange reserve China Development Bank
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