
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The CCP is trying to revamp its cadre evaluation system. According to a new initiative of Hu Jintao, cadre promotion is now tied to an official's ability to handle sudden shocks, like earthquakes. The problem in the past is that performance was tied to things that good connections can get you, like growth or investment. Thus, those performance indicators really did not test how capable an official was, just how connected he was. Instead, Hu now wants to tie performance to exeogenous shocks, which should mitigate the gaming of the system. The new system is also more credible in that an official who did not run away during an earthquake shows credibly that he is loyal to the regime. You can still game the system, but only in particular places. For example, cadres in both Tibet and Xinjiang intentionally carry out repressive policies so that they can "deal" with the resulting riots and terrorist incidents. Not many officials can get away with that though since officials in Han areas are punished for causing instability. For some reason, cadres from Tibet and Xinjiang are immune to it.....

Tying promotion to shocks is also problematic in some sense. For one, it selects for cadres who may be good at dealing with shocks but may not be good at normal governance. For example, you can select a decisive leader who may not be so good at dealing with intricate policies related to the environment or banking. Of course, how one deals with a crisis is subject to interpretation and is not as objective as criteria like investment and growth.

But really, this is not such a new system. That was how cadres during the revolution was promoted. They were promoted in the basis of their ability to fight external enemies and to ferret out "traitors."



2008年12月30日05:44 来源:人民网-《人民日报》
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