
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Deng Yujiao Case,

Well, I usually don't comment on such cases of injustice, since there are so many. However, it emerges that there may be a political economy angle here. Apparently, the deceased (I won't say victim since he was a perpetrator) and his two associates worked for the county investment attraction bureau. This bureau is in every local government unit, and their job is to attract investment. The day of the confrontation, Deng Guida (the deceased) and his underlings were asked by the local iron mine boss to "take care" of a few farmers whose land was taken by the mine boss. They did so successfully and were invited by the mine boss for an evening of entertainment, which ended in "Fantasy City." The piece below, published by Boxun, claims that the mine boss gave Deng Guida another "task", that of "procuring" Deng Yujiao for the mine boss. This then led to the subsequent confrontation between Deng Guida and Deng Yujiao and the killing.

There is some intimation that this case may lead higher up and uncover of network of corrupt cadres in Hubei (Question, why are county level cadres doing the biddings of some mine boss?). This may place party secretary Luo Qingchuan in a difficult position since he was promoted upward from the local bureaucracy. Badong County was never in the jurisdiction of Yichang, where Luo cut his teeth. Yet, Badong is only a few kilometer up river (the Yangtze) from Yichang and Luo may be familiar with many officials in Badong. If this proves to be the case, he may have incentive to slow any investigations launched by Beijing to dig deeper on this issue. He may have preempted this by placing Deng Yujiao under house arrest instead of placing her in jail or a mental hospital. Perhaps he is hoping that her release will stop a Beijing investigation. However, I don't think the netizens of China will be satisfied with this.

Oh, also, the WSJ did a write up of this. Please see below:

(博讯北京时间2009年5月28日 首发)


1、案发日下午,福成矿业与当地农民发生用地纠纷,矿上打电话给镇主管招商工作的郑建武,要求派员协助解决,郑随即指示邓贵大、黄德智、邓佳中三人出现场。邓三人不辱使命,把事平的很快很好。傍晚,周矿长率三人尾随邓贵大三人来到镇上,喊上郑建武,举办一个答谢性质的宴会。酒后八人去梦幻城继续“消费 ”(先吃后洗,这是现在场面人请人“潇洒”的必然一条龙服务)。



2、邓贵大八人到梦幻城后,周程等人进入包间等候,邓贵大三人去“摆平”邓玉娇。黄走在前面,进入洗浴房,把门插上,向邓玉娇提出“特殊服务”的要求。邓玉娇一正派女子,虽不得不谋生在此地方,但直接听此要求还是感到愤慨,但仍不失理智的、较强硬的拒绝了黄德智,黄德智遂拿出对一般小女子“买春”“买处 ”的手段,纠缠、猥亵、性侵害邓玉娇(就是抓摸乳部、下身等,不是指强奸;邓母与律师闹矛盾即在此),邓玉娇恼怒挣脱,躲避至休息间,黄德智不依不饶又跟进。跟在外边的邓贵大见如此,矿老板要求的“事”给安排不了,那还行?!对工作尽职尽责的邓贵大遂上来加入施压,并有炫耀、扇击邓玉娇那沓钱的过程(注意:一般嫖娼不用4000元的),威逼利诱邓玉娇都予以拒绝。这时,邓玉娇所谓好朋友唐芹上前解劝(很可能是站在邓贵大立场上)。邓玉娇一下明白过来,这一切都是别人给自己下的套,遂大怒,要走出房间。这时邓贵大恼羞成怒(心理活动应该是:这工作还怎么完成),拦住邓玉娇往沙发上推,邓玉娇掏出水果刀示警,欲走;邓贵大二人仍上前拦推邓玉娇,邓玉娇这时已急了眼,挥刀刺向二人,混乱中邓贵大扑通倒地,黄德智受伤,邓佳中在门口吓傻了。




【注:这时讲“人和事都不能逾越法律,要依法遵法,公民人权高于一切”,跟本不在他们的视野之内,邓玉娇这个活生生值得人们尊重的生命,在他们眼里只是一个"符号";至于胡总书记讲过:“要科学发展观,绿色GDP,要以人为本,和谐社会”对此时巴东县正合适嘛?福成矿业与民纠纷(有没有污染和破坏资源、损害农民利益等问题),黄雄的“梦幻城”娱乐业的负面效果,对生意人就这么惯着,好吗?这么对待一奇女子,对待一群为非做歹之人合适吗?真要善恶不分、黑白颠倒,激起民怨民愤来怎么办?哎!壮士断腕,不要这样的GDP也罢,以人为本,建和谐社会从今以后“科学发展”;这才是真正有“大局观 ”“政治上成熟”。你巴东县变害为利,因势利导,真正按胡总书记的指示,这么干下来,说不定正是时代典型呢。可惜,这种正反馈的思维模式,在这些干部身上,绝对是负反馈反映的】



不知是提炼原生态的东西,必定会露出本色的东西,还是公安队伍中总还是有些天地良心的人,或者还是深文周纳考虑的不周全,总之“邓玉娇不是卖淫女,邓贵大等三人是在索要特殊服务被拒,还有‘一沓钱打脸’‘推到’等情节后,被邓玉娇刺伤致死的。事发后,是邓玉娇主动打电话给警方报告的,邓玉娇受到了‘精神病人 ’的待遇”。这些基本情节和根本事实,就这样“公示”给了社会大众。






2、地方一些公务人员,与财商、黑恶等沆瀣一气,受害的只能是平民百姓(如此地方,色情场所必是泛滥,而黄雄类后面没有警方背景那是不可能的,周程矿长可以“ 买春”“买处”,邓贵大等也可以陪同嫖娼,被鱼肉的只能是受经济危机影响回乡,被迫在梦幻城处打工谋生的邓玉娇们)














3, 找县领导通融或黙认后能开工后,接下来你要做的工作多啦,求的部们和人更多,有人说受那么多气,那钱不赚不行啊,不,你不能和钱记仇吧,都知道你做的是暴利的行业,你总要意思一下吧,要按法规来你就等两年以后吧,到那时还不一定全能批下来。

4, 通常走访的是,地市级和县级国土部门的相关科室,地质科,矿管科,土地科(你要办占地临时土地证),林业局,生态保持等,还有本来和他管的部门没关系也想办法让你的项目和他的职责发生关系,哈哈,明白吗?


6,按照网上的公布福成矿业投资一个多亿估计是县主要领导主抓的项目。给你们一个专业的数字,一吨铁粉的生产成本在巴东最多350元,07年行情在1200元以上,现在还有700元左右,按福成的投资至少在日产500吨以上,能赚多少钱你们自己算,有关部门当然更明白。所以看你投资人如何去和谐吧!(Modified on 2009/5/28) (博讯 boxun.com)

MAY 28, 2009
China Murder Case Sparks Women's Rights Uproar


BEIJING -- A hotel employee whose arrest for murder sparked a wave of national sympathy in China after her lawyers said she was fighting off a rape attack has been released on bail, the official Xinhua news agency said.

Deng Yujiao, 21, was arrested May 10 after she allegedly stabbed two local government officials with a fruit knife in the Xiongfeng Hotel in central Hubei province, killing one of them.

Ms. Deng got in a quarrel with Huang Dezhi when he "mistook" her for a bathhouse attendant and asked her for "cross gender" services, according to a police report.

Deng Yujiao at a hospital in Badong, in central China, on May 18.

Mr. Huang's colleague, Deng Guida, eventually intervened and the argument escalated when he pushed Ms. Deng onto a couch twice, and she "took a fruit knife and stabbed" Mr. Deng four times, including once in the neck, the report said. She also stabbed Mr. Huang in the forearm. Mr. Deng, who worked for an office overseeing investment projects in Badong city and isn't related to Ms. Deng, later died from his injuries.

Badong County officials said the local public-security bureau is investigating the case, and Ms. Deng hasn't been formally charged. A public-security report said she was initially detained for "suspicion of intentionally killing" Mr. Deng.

Ms. Deng's lawyers have said she was acting in self-defense when the men tried to rape her after she refused to have sex with them for money.

The case sparked public anguish over the issue of violence against women, and a flood of sympathy for Ms. Deng in comments flooding in to Chinese Internet forums and blogs.

An essay posted on a Web forum hosted by the People's Daily newspaper called the stabbing a "heroic act" and a milestone for women's liberation. The date of the attack -- May 10 -- "will forever be remembered as the day on which a [girl] bravely defended herself and fought against the corrupt official when her life was threatened," said the author, writing under the name "Shenzhou Shouwang," or "Watching Over China."

In an forum on the same Web site, a user called Guo Chunfu wrote that Ms. Deng "used her own acts to show that even the underprivileged can have a dignified life."

The outpouring of support prompted the Badong County government to take the extraordinary step of posting a headline on its Web site inviting anyone concerned with the case to call the county's news and information center. The site says a representative has been assigned to the case in order to ensure that investigations are transparent and timely.

Last weekend, five women demonstrated in support of Ms. Deng near the Beijing West Railway Station. Wu Rongrong, an AIDS activist in the group, said the protest highlighted the need for greater "social respect and legal protection" for women. Another protester, wrapped in white cloth and wearing a face mask, lay on the floor next to sheets of paper that read: "Anyone may become Deng Yujiao."

Spokesmen for the Badong County government declined to comment further on the case, and Ms. Deng couldn't be reached for comment.

Her defense lawyers were fired at her mother's request this week after disagreements over strategy.

Oh come on. He may be a "perpetrator" in your opinion, but does that mean that stabbing him to death was an appropriate, rational or legally justifiable response?
Dear billy,
If some woman in your family were facing rapist and his complicities, at that crucial moment, would you still suggest by saying "dont consider self-defence first, please be rational, must do appropriate"? In that case, what is the "justifiable response" for your woman's behavior in your eyes?
I have two virgin daughters 17 and 18. If they had done as Deng Yujiao in a similar situation I would applaud them no matter the consequences. Those two officials are clearly corrupt; arrogant; and abusive. They think that they can pick on anyone's daughter and abuse them. Deng Guida got what was due to him - unfortunately his colleague did not. As a Father and a human being I am truly disgusted by this case.
Dear anonymous(es?),
underpinning of the very idea of a "nation of laws" is the belief that applying a level, consistent standard of judgement, based on commonly accepted and understood values, would be applied to all cases. You see, the smarter bears recognised that there is no value, or justice, in making snap judgements based upon one person's (in this case, you) emotions, fears and daughters.
Dear Billy,
Stop being a pompus ass, the question being ask is if your daughter weghing less than 90lbs were being manhandle by two men and according to statements taken; had forceably had her underware removed would she be entitle to defend herself with a knife.Or would you urge your daughter to act rational remember the rule of law get rape and then report the matter to the police. Your a dickhead with no commonsense.

Actually it is perfectly acceptable to defend oneself against violent crime even in countries ruled by law (rather than ruled by men, like China). Prosecution of criminals only comes AFTER crimes are committed. NO ONE is required to sit there, accept the crime being perpetrated, and only THEN go report it to the police. What kind of screwed up society do you want to live in?
Dear Anonymous,

I find your valuing your daughters' virginity to be a rather disturbing thing. Would you think less of them if they weren't virgins? Do non-virgin girls deserve to be raped? Why does your daughters' virginity figure into your message at all? Why not just stop at "I have two daughters"???
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