
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Leveraging Big-Time by Local Development Companies

I would just like to show readers the type of leveraging that is going on in China. Hainan Highway, set up by the Hainan government ten years ago to finance highway construction, is an early example of the thousands of local development companies that now pervade China. They usually get a bit of capital from the government and use that to borrow money from banks or issue bonds to investors. Fortunately, some of these entities are listed so we can see how they work. Note, however, that because they are listed, they already represent "the best of" local development companies. finance.Sina.com has a very powerful feature that breaks down various parts of listed companies' annual and quarterly reports. See here.

So here, Hainan Highway has total asset of around 2.7 billion RMB. The largest category is various kinds of accounts receivables. Well, that sounds good, except the annual report also states that the largest debtor to Hainan Highway is the founder of the company, Hainan Department of Transportation!! Moreover, its debt to Hainan Highway ballooned from around 150 million in 2008 to nearly 450 million RMB! Okay, so this is what is happening. Local governments use some land or revenue cash flows to start these entities, which then go and borrow money from banks and investors. Then, local governments in turn borrow from these entities, especially those that generate some cash flows. My question is: since these loans to local government is identified as asset, can these companies borrow even more from banks on the basis of this "account receivable?" I think they can!

Again, this is happening to thousands of such entities across China! (by the way, kudos to reader who figures out who Chen Xuehui is, as he got a million RMB loan from the company for no apparent reason).

A very interesting find Professor!! After a quick look at other pages of their financial statements, this entity looks like many others --- with operations continuously burning cash, relying on the accumulation of receivables and debt to plug their deficits. Their actual liquid assests - cash and marketable securities - is pretty low relative to their level of leverage. It is also worth noting that receivables due from the Hainan jiaotongting are growing over time and aging (extended to 1-3 yrs to 1-4 in the page you cited). In reality, most of the projects the highway company does have a fiscal basis, meaning that they are included in budgets passed by the local NPC, and then the local finance office makes transfers to the investment co. to pay for part of them and service the related debt. The rising receivables number probably means is that the finances of the local government are not looking so good.
Is this proof of a bubble?
What is more worrisome is the municipal bond debt in US and the use of derivatives and mismanagement of variable rate debt.

Jefferson County is being called a canary in the coal mine.









Does this not seem like a relatively low number of assets?
Just googling around a bit it seems that 1 km of highway could cost between a million or more Euros.

If we take one of the three highways on Hainan and ~ 300 km, that should be 300m Euros...at a minimum, 3 billion Yuan.
There is a lot of competition in the highway sector in China, and the combined effects of this and corruption mean that there is little money to be made, so construction quality is very low and actual costs (those related to building the road, not those related to greasing the local officials) are quite low. So far, it is still very difficult to capitalize bribes on a balance sheet and boost the overall asset balance.
Whenever I see data with scary numbers (the real ones are probably more so), it seems to signal action from the State Council or others. Look for this on the agenda of the upcoming economic working meeting. Will this set off tension between the centralizers and Hu's support network atop provincial governments? Please let us know professor!

中国地方政府融资平台贷款近6万亿 潜在风险隐现






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